is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


CFA Society Ukraine under support of the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project presented Ukrainian translations of following monographs:

After the financial crisis of 2008, the interest of investment professionals in economic and financial history was revived. This book is a collection of opinions of reputable scholars and practitioners on the impact of past events on the stock markets on the current global financial market. The collective monograph examines in detail the causes of “financial bubbles” in the stock and real estate markets, as well as their consequences – financial crises and increased regulation of financial markets. The authors of the book are convinced that the lessons of the past will help contemporaries in the formation of investment portfolios.

The book will be of interest to financiers, financial analysts, economists, as well as teachers, students, and anyone interested in the world history of finance.

Pedro Matos’ research focuses on the ESG principles used to identify various social and environmental risks and corporate governance principles in investor decision-making. The author refers to the work of such well-known experts as Ritholtz, Zingalez, Kruger, Starks and others and reveals the main provisions of ESG-principles in investing (on the examples of the EU, USA, UK, China, Japan). According to the author, the study is quite skeptical, but with the definition of essential approaches for stronger strengthening of global financial markets in accordance with ESG principles.

You can find more information on the website CFA Society Ukraine

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