is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


Today, Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) Ruslan Magomedov joined the annual FINANCIAL CLUB AWARDS – 2024 ceremony, which brought together leading players in the Ukrainian financial market. As part of the event, he presented an award to Kredobank, the winner of the «25 Leading Banks of Ukraine» rating in the «Savings Deposit» nomination.

Ruslan Magomedov, presenting the award, said: «A stable and transparent financial sector is the foundation of Ukraine’s economic growth. The NSSMC always supports initiatives aimed at strengthening confidence in the financial market. Today’s event is a recognition of the professionalism and efficiency of the banking system, which continues to play an important role in the recovery of our economy. I thank everyone for their contribution to supporting Ukraine».

The participation of the NSSMC Chairman in the ceremony is evidence of the regulator’s readiness to cooperate with financial market representatives. Such interaction helps not only to evaluate achievements but also to jointly formulate strategic development directions that will meet today’s challenges.

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