One of the important directions of the Commission’s work is to create favorable conditions for the legal functioning of the stock market. In particular, it is prevention of an offense, and in case of its detection, to focus on an operative and comprehensive investigation and to take measures to prevent them from continuing in the future.
Main tasks:
- Protection of investors by applying measures to prevent violations of the legislation on the securities market, inadvertent application of sanctions for offenses;
- Termination of continuing abuses in the stock market;
- Prevention of unlawful conduct by violating cases of offenses with appropriate consequences in the form of imposing sanctions for offenses.
Functions performed by the Department of Law Enforcement:
- Analysis of the received materials, preparation of legal conclusions on the facts of detected offenses and organization of work on the collection of fines;
- Legal assistance on identifying and qualifying violations of current legislation on the securities market and requirements of the legislation on prevention and counteraction to legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime;
- Establishing signs of offenses in the securities market;
- Violation of cases on the basis of received materials;
- Full support for cases of violations in the securities market, cases of violations of the requirements of the legislation on prevention and counteraction to the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime;
- Consideration of appeals from individuals and legal entities, executive bodies, public associations, as well as state bodies, including requests for the provision of public information on law enforcement issues in the securities market;
- Development of draft legal acts on law enforcement issues;
- Control over payment of fines imposed by the authorized persons of the central apparatus of the SSMSC on violators of the legislation;
- Litigation regarding the collection of financial sanctions, the analysis of its results;
- Providing within the limits of the competence of appeal of judicial decisions on the results of consideration of court cases.