is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine

Training programs

The NSSMC has approved the following programs for training stock market participants:

Each of the specialized programs consists of a basic training program for specialists and a specialized training program in a specific area.

In order to reform the system of training and certification of stock market specialists, on February 2, 2017, the NSSMC signed a Memorandum of Intent for Cooperation in building a transparent system of certification of stock market specialists in Ukraine with the Association of Investment Professionals, licensed by the CFA Institute and representing the CFA Society Ukraine. The Association aims to help the NSSMC to create a transparent system of training and certification of stock market specialists with an emphasis on professional competencies. It is based on an independent assessment of candidates in accordance with international best practices. The updated system will allow to take into account the market needs for specialists, making the tests more professional, ensuring a transparent and non-discriminatory examination procedure. The public will have full open access to information on the progress and results of the system reform.

The NSSMC presented a “Review of Ethics Codes on the Financial and Investment Sector: Feature Analysis and Common Features” in cooperation with the USAID Project “Financial Sector Transformation” and the CFA Society Ukraine.

This study will contribute to the further introduction of ethical standards in Ukrainian financial markets.

Educational institutions

The list of educational institutions of Ukraine with which the National Securities and Stock Market Commission has concluded cooperation agreements on training of stock market specialists, chief accountants of professional securities market participants

Назва навчального закладуСпеціалізаціяАдреса, телефониВідповідальна особа Договори про співробітництво
Харківський центр науково-технічної та економічної інформаціїСпеціалізація: Т. Д. У. Бух. П. М.61010, м. Харків,
пр. Гагаріна,4;
тел./ф.: (057) 732-74-71,
тел.:(057) 732-64-61,
ф.: (057) 754-59-82
Лариса Олексіївна
1. Договір щодо атестації
Одеський національний економічний університетСпеціалізація: Т. Д. У. Бух.65082, м. Одеса, вул. Преображенська, 8;
тел./ф.: (048) 723-05-47,
(048) 232-77-86
Тетяна Борисівна
2. Договір щодо атестації
Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда НобеляСпеціалізація: Т. Д. У. Бух.49000, м. Дніпро,
вул. Січеславська Набережна, буд. 18, кім. 216, 206;
(056) 720-71-41,
(056) 231-20-37,
(0562) 312-463.
Вихристюк Альона Ігорівна3. Договір щодо атестації

Concepts of specialization:

T. – trading in securities; Д. – depository activity; У. – asset management; Б. – organization of trading in securities; K. – clearing activity; Бух. – chief accountants of professional securities market participants; П. – administration of private pension funds; M. – property management for financing of construction objects and / or real estate operations.

List of educational establishments of Ukraine, which carry out retraining and professional development of responsible employees and employees involved in financial monitoring, for educational programs developed in accordance with the legislation and agreed by the NCSSMF

Назва навчального закладуНавчальна програмаАдреса, телефониВідповідальна особа
Державний заклад післядипломної освіти «Академія фінансового моніторингу»Освітня програма навчання/підвищення кваліфікації у сфері запобігання та протидії легалізації (відмиванню) доходів, одержаних злочинним шляхом, фінансуванню тероризму та фінансуванню розповсюдження зброї масового знищення для відповідальних працівників, а також працівників, залучених до проведення фінансового моніторингу суб’єктів первинного фінансового моніторингу, державне регулювання і нагляд за діяльністю яких здійснює Національна комісія з цінних паперів та фондового ринку04050, м. Київ,
вул. Білоруська, 24
тел.: (044) 594-16-22;
(044) 594-16-24
Сайт: http://
Вербицька Людмила Олександрівна
Харківський центр науково-технічної та економічної інформації Освітня програма перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації працівників суб’єктів первинного фінансового моніторингу, які відповідальні за проведення фінансового моніторингу, а також працівників, залучених до проведення фінансового моніторингу, державне регулювання та нагляд за якими здійснює Національна комісія з цінних паперів та фондового ринку61010, м. Харків,
пр. Гагаріна, 4;
тел./ф.: (057) 732-74-71,
тел.:(057) 732-64-61,
ф.: (057) 754-59-82
Лариса Олексіївна

List of educational and methodological centers of the NCSSMF

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On February 2, 2017, the NSSMC signed a Memorandum of Intent to build a transparent system of certification of stock market specialists in Ukraine with the Association of Investment Professionals, licensed by the CFA Institute and representing the CFA Society Ukraine, in order to reform the system of training and certification of stock market specialists. The Association aims to help the NSSMC to create a transparent system of training and certification of stock market professionals with an emphasis on professional competencies. It is based on an independent assessment of candidates in accordance with international best practices. The updated system will allow to take into account the needs of the market in specialists, make the tests more professional, provide a transparent and non-discriminatory procedure for conducting exams. The public will have full open access to information on the progress and results of the system reform.

The NSSMC, jointly with the USAID Financial Sector Transformation Project and the CFA Society Ukraine, presented a Review of Ethics Codes in the Financial Investment Area: Feature Analysis and Common Features.

This research will contribute to the further introduction of ethical standards in the Ukrainian financial markets.

Pursuant to the Regulations on the Procedure for Сertification of Stock Market Specialists, approved by the NSSMC Resolution #319 on June 25, 2020 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on September 10, 2020 under №868/35151, the NSSMC approved (NSSMC Resolution № 833 on December 24, 2020) programs of qualifying examinations in the following sections:

  1. Taxonomy of section I of the Program. Basic knowledge (Annex 1);
  2. Taxonomy of section II of the Program. Ethnical standards (Annex 2);
  3. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: financial instruments trading activities (Annex 3);
  4. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: depository activities (Annex 4);
  5. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: asset management activities of institutional investors (Annex 5);
  6. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: activities on the organization of trade in financial instruments (Annex 6);
  7. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: activities on the organization of trade in organized commodity markets (Annex 7);
  8. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: clearing activities (Annex 8);
  9. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: activities on administration of private pension funds (Annex 9);
  10. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: property management activities to finance construction and / or real estate transactions (Annex 10);
  11. Taxonomy of section III of the Program. Special legislation on capital markets and organized commodity markets: chief accountants of professional participants in capital markets and organized commodity markets (Annex 11);
  12. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: trading in financial instruments (Annex 12);
  13. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: depository activities (Annex 13);
  14. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: asset management activities of institutional investors (Annex 14);
  15. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: activities on the organization of trade in financial instruments (Annex 15);
  16. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: activities on the organization of trade in organized commodity markets (Annex 16);
  17. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: clearing activities (Annex 17);
  18. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: activities for the administration of private pension funds (Annex 18);
  19. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: property management activities to finance construction and / or real estate transactions (Annex 19);
  20. Taxonomy of section IV of the Program. Practical skills: chief accountants of professional participants in capital markets and organized commodity markets (Annex 20).

Qualification exam

In accordance with subclause 2.6. Section 2 of the Regulations on the Procedure of Training and Certification of Specialists on the Stock Market (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), a specialist shall submit to the examination commission for participation in the qualification exam:

  • application for participation in the qualification exam;
  • a copy of the certificate of education or a foreign document for obtaining a professional qualification;
  • a copy of the education document that meets the requirements of paragraph 2.5 of the Regulations;
  • a copy of the payment order for payment for the qualification exam.

In the event that a professional participant in the securities market has a practical experience of at least one last year at the time of submission of documents for the qualification examination:

  • a copy of the certificate of education for a shortened standard program issued under the appropriate type of professional activity with securities;
  • photocopy of a work book for the last year, certified in the established order;
  • documents confirming labor relations in case of overlap, for the last year, if activity is related to securities certified in the established order.

The amount of payment for the qualification examination is determined in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation by the institution on the basis of which the work of the examination commission is organized.


Назва навчального закладуСпеціалізаціяАдреса, телефониВідповідальна особа Договори про співробітництво
Харківський центр науково-технічної та економічної інформаціїСпеціалізація: Т. Д. У. Бух. П. М.61010, м. Харків,
пр. Гагаріна,4;
тел./ф.: (057) 732-74-71,
тел.:(057) 732-64-61,
ф.: (057) 754-59-82
Лариса Олексіївна
1. Договір щодо атестації
Одеський національний економічний університетСпеціалізація: Т. Д. У. Бух.65082, м. Одеса, вул. Преображенська, 8;
тел./ф.: (048) 723-05-47,
(048) 232-77-86
Тетяна Борисівна
2. Договір щодо атестації
Дніпропетровський університет імені Альфреда НобеляСпеціалізація: Т. Д. У. Бух.49000, м. Дніпро,
вул. Січеславська Набережна, буд. 18, кім. 216, 206;
(056) 720-71-41,
(056) 231-20-37,
(0562) 312-463.
Вихристюк Альона Ігорівна3. Договір щодо атестації

Concepts of specialization:
T. – trading in securities; D. – depository activity; U. – asset management; B. – organization of trading in securities; K. – clearing activity; Bush – chief accountants of professional securities market participants; P. – administration of private pension funds; M. – property management for financing of construction objects and / or real estate operations.

“We draw your attention that from 01.01.2021 new budget accounts will be put into operation to pay for the issuance of a certificate to a person who carries out activities related to the direct conduct of professional activity in the stock market!”

Issuing a certificate

Download The procedure for submitting documents for certification can be found on this link.

I. Before filing documents for obtaining a certificate for the right to take actions related to the direct conduct of professional activity in the stock market, the applicant individual person must register and create his own page at the site at using your own login and password.

At the created page, the applicant individual must fill out an application for the certificate “Create a certificate”.

II To obtain a certificate, an individual submits to the Commission the following documents:

1) a printed form of the application-form, which is filled out on the site of the Commission (;

2) a copy of the qualification certificate of a specialist on the corresponding type of activity, issued in accordance with the procedure established by the Commission;

3) copies of the first and second pages of the passport (for stateless persons – a copy of the document that replaces it);

4) a copy of the applicant’s employment record (if available), namely the first page and pages of the work book for the last three years. If the person has the same job at the same place of employment for more than three years, the person must provide a copy of the work-book page with the last record of acceptance, and in the absence thereof – the information is provided for the last 3 years in accordance with Annex 2. ”

5) in the presence of work part-time – a copy of the document (order, contract, etc.), which confirms the employment relationship with a legal entity that has a license of the Commission for the conduct of professional activity in the stock market, or with the Central Depository;

6) a copy of the document on the assignment of the registration number of the taxpayer’s account card (individuals who, because of their religious beliefs, have refused to accept the registration number of the tax card’s account card, have informed the relevant supervisory authorities and have a note in the passport, provide a copy of the passport page with the appropriate mark );

7) the original or a copy of the payment document.

All copies of documents (except for a copy of the payment document) submitted for certification, and the signatures of the applicant on the application form must be certified by the legal entity – the employer or in accordance with the procedure established by law. Copies of the passport pages are certified by the signature of the applicant.

The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information contained in the documents submitted to the Commission for obtaining the certificate.

ІІІ In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 26, 2011 № 1097 “Some issues of providing by the National Commission of Securities and Stock Market of paid administrative services” the fee for the provision by the National Commission of Securities and Stock Market of the administrative service for issuing a certificate for the right to conduct operations, related to the direct conduct of professional activity in the stock market is 450 UAH.

To transfer funds in the amount of 450 hryvnas. the applicant must apply for information on the account number according to the code of budget classification 22011800, the bank reporting symbol 896, the departmental feature 36, to the district department of the State Tax Inspectorate or the district department of the State Treasury.

IV. Certification documents are submitted in a separate card reader.

Certification documents are submitted in person, through an authorized person, or sent by post to the structural unit responsible for registering incoming correspondence at the Commission.

V. To receive a certificate form (issued certificate) can be found at: Kyiv, street. Moscow 8, building 30, 4th floor, room. 430

Upon receipt of the certificate, the applicant submits his or her passport or other identity document in accordance with the law. If the certificate is obtained by the authorized person of the applicant, such person must provide an original or a copy of the power of attorney to perform such actions, certified in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation, as well as to present his passport or other document that certifies the person. In this case, such a power of attorney or a copy of it is filed to the case.

The term for reviewing documents is 30 days.

Telephone for certificates on certification – 280-85-09.

Issuing a duplicate certificate

In case of loss of a certificate issued by the Commission, a duplicate is issued to the person. To obtain a duplicate of the certificate, the person submits to the Commission the following documents:

1) an application for the issuance of a duplicate of the certificate in an arbitrary form, indicating the reason for the loss of the certificate;

2) the original or a copy of the payment document.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated October 26, 2011 № 1097 “Some issues of providing by the National Commission for Securities and Stock Market paid administrative services” the fee for the provision by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission of an administrative service for the issuance of a duplicate card the certificate on the right to implement actions related to the direct conduct of professional activity in the stock market is 40 UAH.

The term for reviewing documents is 30 days.

Telephone for certificates on certification – 280-85-09.

Certificate cancellation

The cancellation of the certificate is carried out, in particular, on the basis of the application of the certified person about cancellation of the own certificate for the corresponding kind of activity.

A natural person must submit personally to the authorized department, through an authorized person, or send by mail an application in an arbitrary form, with the request to cancel the certificate indicating the type of activity, number, date of issue and validity period of the certificate.

If an application is filed through an authorized person or by mail, the applicant’s signature must be certified by a notary public.

Provide information on changes in employment

In case of changes in the information concerning the employment activity:

– appointment;

– transfer / transfer from office or to a position of the head of a legal entity (acting as his / her), deputy head of a legal entity, head of a structural unit, deputy head of a structural unit;

– dismissal from a professional participant in the stock market, an individual having a certificate must, within five working days (from the day following such changes), disclose the information on the site ( according to the appendix 3 to the Regulation on Certification of Specialists on the Stock Market, approved by the decision of the NCCSF from 13.08.2013 No. 1464, registered with the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 11.09.2013 under No. 1572/24104 (as amended).

The Certified Person is responsible for the accuracy of the information on changes in employment information disclosed on the site (

We draw attention that violation of information requirements by a physical person is the basis for applying sanctions to such an individual in accordance with the current legislation.

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