is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


The conditions of quarantine in connection with the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, allow professional participants of the stock market to provide services to individuals and legal entities with observance of appropriate sanitary and anti-epidemic measures.

The Government’s sanitary and anti-epidemic measures include, but are not limited to: providing staff involved in customer service, protective masks and disposable gloves; observance of the established norm of stay in a maximum of one visitor per 10 square meters; regular ventilation and damp cleaning of the premises with the use of disinfectants.

The list of restrictions for the quarantine period is set out in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution “On prevention of the spread of COVID-19 acute respiratory disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in Ukraine” No.211 of March 11, 2020, as amended.

The recent amendments to the mentioned CMU Resolution №111 eliminated the uncertainty regarding servicing of professional clients of the stock market of their clients.

We  remind, on 30.30. 2020 the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Law of Ukraine No. 550-IX “On amendments to some legislative acts of Ukraine aimed at providing additional social and economic guarantees in connection with the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19)“, which provided for professional non-issuer stock market participants, three months after the end of the quarantine period for the release of the 2019 financial statements or the 2019 consolidated financial statements together with the auditor’s report (but no later than 31.12.2020).

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