is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


Today there is a professional holiday for all people who have dedicated their time and energy to the capital market development. This day 25 years ago the National Securities and Stock Market Commission was established.

These were years of finding the right vector of motion, trying to change old rules and develop new ideas. Definitely these 25 years were not spent in vain. This is our common historical experience, with which we will enter the future and begin to write a new history not only of the capital market and the NSSMC, but also a new history of Ukraine. After all, the capital market is an important part of the country’s financial system, without which it will never be stable and strong.

And today we are in a very significant historical moment – the moment of truth and culmination. The future of the Ukrainian capital market is at stake. Next week, the Verkhovna Rada will consider the historic draft Law 2284, which makes it possible to create a civilized capital market in Ukraine according to the European rules, and will give us new rules and new financial instruments.

Right now, it is important to believe in the political will to make fateful decisions to build a national capital market. The decision of the MPS will show whether we need another 25 years to be at the reset point.

I will believe that the PMs will not lack the political will to vote for the draft Law 2284, because the vote of everyone in the Parliament will determine whether Ukraine will become a full participant in world financial markets and a member of the European community.

Timur Khromaev, Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission

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