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National Securities and Stock Market Commission is collecting information about persons who wish to participate in the competitive selection of candidates for the position of temporary head of the executive body of a professional participant in capital markets and organized commodity markets.
Persons who have high professional and moral qualities, impeccable business reputation, higher education in law or economics and work experience necessary to perform the functions of a temporary manager, in accordance with the requirements established by NSSMC, may submit their candidacy for participation in the competitive selection for the position of a temporary manager in the following areas of professional activity
– activity in trading in financial instruments,
– activities on organization of trading in financial instruments,
– clearing activities,
– depository activities,
– asset management activities for institutional investors,
– property management activities for financing construction projects and/or real estate transactions,
– administration of non-state pension funds.
To participate in the tender, the candidate must send the following documents to [email protected] within the period from 20.05.2024 to 24.05.2024
1. an application for participation in the competitive selection in any form,
2. a questionnaire of an individual (Annex 1),
3. a copy of an identity document,
4. resume in any form.
All documents must be signed with a qualified electronic signature of the person applying for the competition. Only persons who meet the requirements established by NSSMC shall be admitted to the competitive selection.
The results of the competitive selection will be posted on the official website of NSSMC no later than 07.06.2024.
Background information:
The competitive selection of candidates is carried out pursuant to the provisions of the Law on State Regulation of Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets and in accordance with the Procedure for Appointment by NSSMC of the Temporary Head of the Executive Body of a Professional Capital Market Participant, Professional Commodity Market Participant, Person Conducting Activities Related to Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets for the Period of Martial Law, approved by NSSMC`s Resolution No. 521 dated 26.04.2024.

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