is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


Today, on September 20, 2023, Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission, and the regulator’s management met with the business community, which is a member of the EBA (European Business Association).

During the meeting, the NSSMC and the business discussed:
– reform of the regulator after the adoption of the relevant law on the NSSMC;
– the NSSMC’s strategic vision for the development of capital markets in Ukraine;
– projects to fill the capital markets with liquidity: long-term money, financial instruments, and the construction of new infrastructure;
– current issues and suggestions from the EBA members.

Ruslan Magomedov noted: «It is very important for us to have a constructive dialog with business representatives and move in the same direction with them. After all, it is the business that forms the demand for market development, and we, as a regulator, help to realize all the needs. We are talking about new financial instruments such as investment accounts, securitization, agricultural receipts, derivative contracts, etc. Together, we can build a modern business model of infrastructure that will become the foundation of the new market».

The Chairman also thanked the EBA participants for the productive meeting and called on the business community to join all the regulator’s projects.

For reference:

The EBA (European Business Association) brings together professionals from various fields and industries. The Association was founded in 1999 with the support of the European Commission in Ukraine. It is considered the most influential and largest business association in Ukraine, which jointly participates in solving issues important for the investment climate of Ukraine and the economy as a whole.

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