is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


Today, May 4, 2022, the NSSMC and the KNF (Polish Financial Supervision Commission) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation and exchange of information in the field of capital market supervision.

“Today, when the war is raging in our country, our international partners continue to support Ukraine and its economic situation. The agreement with the Polish financial regulator will allow us to effectively analyze information, increase investor protection and transparency of the domestic capital market, “said Ruslan Magomedov, Chairman of the NSSMC.

In the Memorandum, the NSSMC and the Financial Regulator of Poland agreed to develop a plan to improve the process of information exchange to the extent permitted by the national legislation of the parties. Such cooperation will contribute to greater protection of investors in the capital markets of Ukraine and Poland, greater transparency and reliability of operations.

The NSSMC is always open and ready to work fruitfully and effectively with the world community to develop capital markets and improve Ukraine’s investment attractiveness.

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