is your investment to the Victory and future of Ukraine


On September 20, 2023, a roundtable discussion on the topic «Export Potential of Ukraine’s Wood Processing Industry» took place at the Media Center of the State Enterprise «General Directorate for Servicing Foreign Missions». The event brought together Ukrainian wood processing industry representatives, members of industry associations, government officials, and trade representatives from diplomatic missions of more than 15 foreign countries. Among the attendees was Arsen Ilin, a Commissioner of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission.

Also participating in the round table were: Executive Director of State Enterprise «Forests of Ukraine» Ihor Lytsur, Head of State Administration «ADPU» Pavlo Vasiliev, Deputy General Director of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange Kostyantyn Shevchuk, Deputy Director of the Association «Exchange and Electronic Platforms» Oleksiy Petrashko and others.

NSSMC strongly supports the woodworking industry and contributes to its development. Export of Ukrainian products is one of the fundamental issues of today. Therefore, Arsen Ilin noted that this event is a significant step for further close cooperation with foreign colleagues.

«Taking into account the new powers of the NSSMC in the commodity markets, significant work on establishing cooperation with the State Agency for Forest Resources, the huge internal work of licensed professional participants, Ukraine now has a tool that allows transparent and effective sale of wood and lumber on a competitive basis. And also be sure that the calculations will take place in accordance with the terms of the contract, and the entire path of wood will be carefully monitored from harvesting to implementation», said Arsen Ilin.

Mr. Ilin added that this mechanism works equally effectively with both internal and external buyers. In the future, it is planned to expand the number of products in order to offer long-term contracts to the market. Currently, this tool is a model implemented in one of the commodity markets, but it can be used for other commodity markets both in the middle of Ukraine and in similar markets abroad. «There is a demand for this, we have information from colleagues from Poland about their interest in how the timber and lumber trade in Ukraine is organized», said the Commissioner of the NSSMC.

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