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The NSSMC (National Securities and Stock Market Commission) informs that interaction between professional participants and the NSSMC regarding the approval of the action plan is carried out exclusively through a personal account in the Comprehensive Information System (CIS).
Professional participants in the section «Administrative Services Cabinet» and «Appeals» under the link «Submission of documents on the implementation of prudential standards» are obliged to submit

  • an action plan to improve the financial condition, together with an application for its approval, a description of the list of documents attached to the application, as well as the documents themselves, as specified in the list
  • information on the fact of deviation of the calculated value of the asset liquidity ratio from its regulatory value, indicating the calculated value of the prudential indicator, the data on the basis of which the calculation was made, and the date of the deviation, as well as on bringing the value of the asset liquidity ratio to its regulatory value, indicating the calculated value of the prudential indicator, the data on the basis of which the calculation was made, and the date on which the indicator was brought into compliance with the regulatory value, with the
  • a report on the results of the implementation of the action plan to improve the financial condition and copies of documents confirming that the professional participant of the capital markets and organized commodity markets has taken the measures specified in the report and their results;
  • a request to continue eliminating the identified deficiencies;
  • application for refusal to consider the application for approval of the action plan;
  • additional documents to the action plan for improving the financial condition, information on the fact of deviation of the calculated value of the asset liquidity ratio, and a report on the results of the action plan implementation.

Based on the results of processing the submitted data, the NSSMC sends information to the professional participant via the personal account in the CIS on

  • commencement of administrative proceedings for approval of the action plan and confirmation of receipt of the full list of documents provided for in the description;
  • commencement of administrative proceedings on approval of the action plan and on leaving the application for approval of the action plan without motion, containing a list of identified deficiencies, the method and timeframe for eliminating deficiencies, as well as the methods, procedure and timeframe for appealing the decision to leave the application for approval of the action plan without motion
  • closure of administrative proceedings;
  • the Resolution of the NSSMC to approve the action plan to improve the financial condition together with a copy of the relevant decision;
  • the Resolution of the NSSMC to refuse to approve the action plan to improve the financial condition together with a copy of the relevant Resolution.

This is provided for by the NSSMC`s Resolution No. 253 dated 04.03.2024, which amended the NSSMC Resolution No. 1221 dated 29.09.2022 on Prudential Standards for Professional Activity in Capital Markets and Organized Commodity Markets and canceled the Resolution No. 1296 dated 17.11.2023. The text is available by the link.

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